Swastha (Health) is the position of wholesomeness. According to this concept of Ayurveda, an explanation has been given about achara and samachara (routines) which help the person to live physically and mentally healthy and happy.
“Sama Dosha: Samagnischa Samadhatu Mala Kriya
Prasannatmendraya Mana: Swastha Ithyabhidhiyate” 1
According to Dr. Sushruta, the three doshas of Vata, Pitta, Kapha, the digestive energy of Jataragni, and the formation and functioning of the seven organs of taste, blood, flesh, fat, bone, marrow, and sperm, is the proper maintenance of the excretory functions. And maintaining a pleasant spirit, senses and mind is mental health. Furthermore, according to Ayurveda, the way to maintain health is divided and stated as follows.
- Swastha Parayana (Maintaining the health)
- Athura Parayana (Cure diseases)
Here, Athura Parayana is used to save a person when he is ill, and Swastha Parayana is to maintain the health of a healthy person in a positive manner.
Also, Agni (The Fire) is a powerful factor in maintaining physical health properly. 2
- Jataragni
- Pancha Maha Bhutagni
- Dhatvagni
that Agni has been divided into varieties.
Here, the food we eat is digested by the Jataragni Paak and again subjected to the five great Bhutagni Paaks, then digested by the Sapta Dhatvagni and the saara (essence) and kitta (Garbage) parts are formed and absorbed by the body.
For this, the powerful Jatragnia should be maintained at the same time. In other words, balanced Fire (Agni) plays an important role in maintaining health.
This Jatragni (Hunger),
- Vishamagniya – causing abnormalities in the digestive process
- Thieksnaagni – very fast digestion process
- Madagni – Weakness and difficulty in digestion
Samagnia – Proper digestion process The varieties are as follows.
“Sandharandhyashana Jagara Nochcha Bhasha Chitta Vyavaya Bhaya Langhana Soka Shitai:
Ksharadhya Dirigana – Vishamasana Bhojanaishcha Vata Prakopa Mupayati Ganatyamecha”
For example, overeating, excessive fasting, sleeplessness, fasting, excessive sorrowful thoughts, excessive sexual intercourse, excessive cold washing, etc. cause Vata Dosha to become irritated.
And according to Yoga Ratnakara,
දහවල් නිදීමද – මිහිරි සිසිලස දදයි නුද
දිය මස් ද ොඩමස් ද – ඇඹුල් වූ ආහාර කෑමද උක්දඬු සහ තලත් – කිරි දහව කළ විකාරත්
සිනිඳු පිනවන යුත් – දදයත් එක් වන අතර කෑමත් දිය බිබී කෑමද – ලුණු වැඩි අහර කෑමද
වසත් කළ පැමිණීද – සතට දසම වඩවයි දනුව දසද “
In this way, if one does not maintain proper diet and hygiene, tridoshas will be aggravated and health will decrease.
Buddhist ideals and sanctity
In his first sermon, the Lord Buddha rejected the eternalist theory and the Ucchedaist theory that existed at that time. That is, the view that the world is eternal and that there is no existence after this existence. Here,
Can be expressed as
Here, the Buddha rejected the above two theories and introduced the middle theory.
That is, it was seen that it is appropriate to practice Samyag Yoga by getting rid of Atiyoga, Ayoga, Mithya Yoga.
Here Kama Sukhallikanuyoga leads to overnutrition and causes obesity and leads to various diseases.
Also Attakilamathanuyoga leads to tridosha (Air, Fire, Phlegm) imbalances and leads to various diseases.
Also, according to medical opinion, the greatest rasaayanaya is Achara rasaayanaya. Medicines that produce sense energy to control aging and maintain happiness by giving freshness to life are called rasayanas.
Achara rasayana or ethics pervades the entire philosophy of the Buddhist tradition. This is defined by the word virtue. It is said that the growth of virtue (sheela) leads to samadhi, the growth of samadhi leads to pagngna and the growth of pagngna leads to liberation from all entanglements. 3
That is, it has become clear that the mind is the root of all physical diseases. There are two ways Buddhist disciples should act to protect their physical health.
- Safeguards
- Preventive measures
Here, many facts about how the monks worked to protect their body from the dangers and diseases coming from outside are given in Chulla Vagga Pali and Maha Vagga Pali.
And as shown in the Senasanakkhandaka, the monks should eat in order to protect their physical health. Also, it is mentioned in the Sabbasava Sutra that a clean environment should be chosen for living. In addition to this, “Patirupa Desa Vaso Cha” is mentioned in Maha Mangala Sutra as a “great advice”.
Also, in Chulla Vagga Pali, oral health care and the benefits of drinking water are given as follows.
- Eyesight is good.
- Eliminates bad breath.
- The taste buds are cleansed.
- Phlegm – Bile does not mix with food.
- Food is delicious.
Apart from this, it is also mentioned that exercise is good for body health. For this purpose, the Panchaka Nipata of the Anguttara Nikaya has stated as follows:
- Makes traveling long distances easier.
- Yoga makes meditation easier.
- Diseases of the body are reduced.
- Food is well digested
- Concentration is permanent.
In this way, it can be shown that the Buddha’s sermons and discourses are in detail in the Buddhist scriptures.
Karmic diseases and prevention
According to the Ayurvedic philosophy, 80 Vataja diseases, 40 Pittaja diseases and 20 Kaphaja diseases spread other diseases.
“වාත ව්යාද ෞ අශ්මරී කුෂ්ට දේදහෝදර භ න්දරා අර්ශාාංදෂෞ ග්රහණි ශූල මහා දරෝ සුදුස්තරා” 4
According to Ayurveda, the major diseases are Vata Roga, Ashmari, Meha, Stomach Roga, Bhagandara, Arshas, Kushta, Grahani etc. And according to Buddhist sources, Sivali Thero had to stay in his mother’s womb for seven years. This happened due to the evil power of blocking the food roads and gates of that city with his mother during a certain war in a previous life.
Also, the blinding of Chakkupala Thero’s eyes was due to a previous evil deed. That is, when he was a doctor in a certain previous life, a certain woman came for treatment with blindness and restored her sight, then when she announced that she was not cured in order to default on the payment of medical fees, he re-made the medicine and blinded her.
“තණ්හාංකදරො නාම ජිදනෝ – පූදරත්වා දස පාරමී දෙත්වා මාරාරි සාං ාමාං – ඛුද්දත්තාං සමුපා ාමි
එදතන සච්චවජ්දෙන – පජ්ෙදරො දත විනස්සතු” 5 and in describing Angulimala there,
“යදතෝහාං භගිනි අරියාය ොතියා ොදතො නාභිොනාමි
සාංචිච්ච පාණාං ජීවිතා දචෝදරෝදේතා දත්න සච්දච්න දසොත්ථි දත දහෝතු දසොත්ති බ්භස්සාති” 6 Used to protect the womb and the pregnant woman and ensure safe delivery.
According to Jina Panjara,
“වාත පිත්තාදි සාංොතා – බාහිරජ්ෙන්තුපද්දවා අදසේසා විලයාං යන්තු – අනන්ත ගුණ දත්ෙසා”
Diseases are said to be Vataja, Pittaja, external and foreign. In describing Bojjanga,
“එකස්මිාං සමදය නාද ො – දමොග් ල්ලානාං ච කස්සපාං ගිලාදන දුක්ඛිදත දිසවා – දබොජ්ොංද සත්ත දදසයි
“පහිණා දතච ආබා ා – තිණ්ණන්නේපි මදහසිනාං මග් ාහත කිදලසාච – පත්තානුේපත්ති ේමතාං
එදතන සච්ච්වජ්දෙන – දසොත්ථි (දතො) දහොතු සබ්බදා”
In this way, the Buddhist scriptures and sutras mention prevention and prevention strategies. According to the Girimananda Sutra,
” ඉති ඉමස්මිාං කාදේ විවි ා ආබා ා උේපජ්ෙන්ති දසයියථිදාං? චක්ඛු දරෝද ෝ – දසෝත දටෝද ෝ – ඝාණ දරෝද ෝ – ජිහ්වා දරෝද ෝ – කාය දරෝද ෝ – සීස දරෝද ෝ – කණ්ණ දරෝද ෝ – මුඛ දරෝද ෝ – දන්ත
දරෝද ෝ – කාදසෝ – සාදසෝ – ජිනාදසෝ – ඩදහෝ – ෙදරෝ – කුච්ජි දරෝද ෝ – මුච්ො – පක්ඛන්දිකා, සුලා – විසූචිකා – කුට්ඨාං – ණ්දඩෝ – කිලාදසෝ – දසෝදසෝ -අපමාදරෝ දද්දු – කණ්ඩු – කච්චු -රඛසා – විතච්චිකා – දලෝහිත පිත්තාං – මධුදේදහෝ – අාංසා – පිලකා – භ න්දලා…”
“Different diseases occur in this body. What are they, eye diseases, ear diseases, nasal diseases, tongue diseases, body diseases, head diseases, ear diseases, mouth diseases, dental diseases, Asthma, Cattarh, burning disorders, Fever, dysentery,Renal colic, rash, eczema, dryness, epilepsy, pruritus, rheumatism, blood diseases, diabetes, paralysis, cancer, Fistula or other Ano Rectal diseases…”
And according to the same sutra,
” පිත්ත සමුට්ඨානා ආබා ා දසේහ සමුට්ඨානා ආබා ා, වාත සමුට්ඨානා ආබා ා ,සන්නිපාතිකා ආබා ා, උතුපරිනාමො ආබ ා –
විසම පරිහාරො ආබා ා – ඕපත්කමිකා ආබා ා – කේම විපාෙකා ආබා ා – සීතාං උන්හාං ජි ච්චා පිපාසා –
උච්චාදරෝ – පස්සාදවෝතී – ඉති ඉමස්මිාං කාදේ ආදීනවානු පස්සි විහරති…”
In terms of this,
Bile-borne disease, phlegm -borne disease, air-borne disease, heat stroke, diseases according to seasons, disease caused by consumption of wrong things, disease caused by desire, disease caused by karma, cold, heat, hunger, thirst, stool, He dwells looking at the diseases that occur in this body, such as urination…”
And this Girimananda Sutra was the basis for preaching because Girimananda Thero was sick. At this time Gautama Buddha addressed Ananda Thero and asked him to preach the ten signals (Dasa sagngnas). Girimananda Bhikkhu was cured as soon as he took those ten signals.
Buddhist healing practices
Ayurvedic treatment to be complete, “දවද ඇදුරා සහ ඖෂ
ආතුර දමදහකරු සැපතද”
According to Bhishag aadi chatuspaada etc. the fourfold of doctor, medicine, patient and attendant are essential.
Also, according to Buddhist writers, spiritual and physical diseases can be cured by the sermons. Accordingly, 7
- Spreading Compassion – Khanda Pirita Karani Metta Sutra
- Dhamma meditation for disease prevention – Girimananda Sutra Bojjanga Pritha
- Living truthfully – Angulimala Pirita Ratana Sutra
In addition to this, for the monks affected by body waata (Air), Sweat (Sweda Karma) is also recommended. 8
The name “Churunu oil” is applied to the oil extracted from animal flesh as a treatment for pulse diseases, vata diseases and fracture diseases. When churunu oil is needed, bear oil, fish oil, suzuka mucus, pig oil, donkey oil are used as animal oils. 9 Medicines with churunu oil are mostly used for pulse diseases, vata diseases and fractures.
Treatment of eye diseases
A monk suffering from a severe eye disease is advised to use dark colors. There are five types of medicated eye liners (anjana / andun) in traditional medicine in Sri Lanka. Kalu Andun, Rasa Andun, Andun that occurs along rivers and streams, Sivanguru Andun and Pahan Siluve Andun. It is mentioned that the use of “Adun Tulawa” and “Adun Karu” to keep the Aduns safely stored and a belt for hanging them is suitable.
The Buddha also preached remedies for witchcraft dangers. In a case where a certain woman used a magic medicine on a certain bhikkhu, it was prescribed to melt the clay bound to the plowing plow and prepare the medicine called “Sita Lolee” and give it to drink. 10
In the Bhesajjakhandaka of the Mahavagga Pali, the details of the medical treatments and medicines that the Buddha prescribed for the monks suffering from various ailments have been mentioned.
By way of illustration,
Treatment for dysentery, Worm Disorders and hemorrhoids :-
Kohomba Kashaya, Kelinda Kashaya, Dummella Kadaya, Karanda Kashaya, Hangulu Kashaya are used for dysentery, worm diseases, fever, skin diseases and blood diseases. A mixed decoction of Karanda is suitable for hemorrhoids. Kelinda medicine is taken for dysentery. It is also suitable for dysentery.
Also, once when Pilindachcha Thero was suffering from severe joint pain, he was instructed to mix alcohol and prepare herbal ointments as needed. When it is necessary to ingest oil with medium types, it should be prepared in such a way that the smell, taste and color of the medium are not noticeable.
Treatment for guilt
When a bhikkhu fell ill due to imbalanced tridosha, the Buddha prescribed purgative medicine for him. After the use of laxative herbs, they prescribed herbal soup, greengram boiled water and meat soup.
The Buddha advised to exercise and use the bonfire to maintain good health. Also,
” වර්ෂා ශීදතො චිතාාං ානාං සරසසවාර්ක රශ්මිභි:
තේතානාං සාංචිතාං වෘෂ්දටෝ පිත්තාං ශරද්රි කුේයති තේෙයාය සෘතාං තික්තාං විදර්දකො රක්ත දමෝක්ෂණේ”
It has been stated that the idea mentioned in Maha Vagga Pali is close to the idea given in Ayurvedic medicine.. Also, it has been stated that Roga Nidanaya of Saradhikabadha (an illness) in Bhesajjakhandaka is similar to Ashtanga Hridaya Sutra. For example, the Buddha prescribed Pancha Bhesajjaya as a treatment for sardhikabada. Pancha Bhesajjaya is a great medicine that has the ability to remove air, bile, and phlegm. Ashtanga Hridaya Sutra indicates that ghee, bitter-tasting medicines, laxatives etc. should be used for the treatment of constipation. 11
Here, pitha dosha is defined as indigestion and vomiting.
In this way, it can be shown that the Ayurvedic treatment system is very similar to the Buddhist Pitakagata (books) treatment system.
Also, the Buddha advised to remove the blood from the body in order to remove the pain in the joints of the hands, feet, etc. In the Bhesajjakhandaka of the Mahavagga Pali,
“අනුොනේ භික්ඛදව් දලෝහිතාං දමෝදච්තුාං” As it is stated.
This is known as Rakta Mokshana (Leech Therapy) according to the Ayurvedic system of medicine.
And for eye diseases, the Buddha advised to use dark colors. Also in Ayurveda, Black Andun, Rasanjana, Shrotanjana, etc. are used for eye diseases. A clear description has been given in the Siddhaushad Nighandu (a book) for this.
In addition to this, the Buddha’s Samanthapasadika, a discipline commentary, has indicated that “Thekatula Yaaguwa” is suitable for stomach ailments. It is also clearly mentioned in the Ayurvedic medical book Chakradattaya.
It is also mentioned in Bhesajjakhandaka.
When considered in this way, it can be said that the Buddhist Pitakagata Chikitsa (treatment) concepts and Remedies are very similar to Ayurvedic Medicine treatments and methods.
Importance of Buddhist Ayurvedic counseling on physical health
“ඉ දඛො පන දවො සල්දලදඛො කරණිදයො, පදර විහිාංසකා භවිස්සන්ති මය දමත්න අවිාංසකා භවිස්සාමිති සල්දලදඛො කරණීදයො…” 12
“Idha kho pana vo sallekho karani, pare vihinsaka bhavissanti maya metna avinsaka bhavissamiti sallekho karani.”
For various ailments arising in the human mind in this Sallekha Sutra Forty-four (44) matters are mentioned which are objects. If they are,
- Harassment of others
- Killing animals
- Taking foreign objects
- Misbehavior in lust
- Lying
- Gossip
- Saying harsh words
- Saying useless words
- Desire for strange things
- Being corrupt and evil minded
- Faulty view
- Misconceptions
- Speaking wrong words
- Wrongdoing
- Wrong livelihood
- The wrong exercise
- False consciousness
- Wrong concentration
- Thinking that he did good deeds after doing bad deeds
- Wrongful discharge
- Having theena middha
- Arrogance
- Suspicion
- Angers
- Entrenched hate
- Goodness
- Presence of Yuga Grahas
- Jealousy
- Miserliness
- Courage
- Illusion
- Tightness
- Mentalism
- Disobedience
- Having sinful friends
- Lateness
- Uncertainty
- Shamelessness
- Loss of fear of sin
- Emptiness
- Purity
- Delirium
- Stupidity
- that he had taken his opinion seriously
The diseases and causes of diseases mentioned in the above catalog are always present in the minds of human beings.
” උන්මත්තකා විය හි පෘථුග්ෙනා” As it is stated,
Due to the causes of these diseases, the mind of the person is polluted and it can cause physical diseases as well. Lord Nagasena stated that Gods and people have been healed by the Buddha’s treatments, and that these treatments contain thirty-seven (37) Bodhi Paakshika Dharmas, and all diseases and calamities can be prevented by this. Also, the Tathagata has mentioned in the Girimananda Sutra sermon of the Anguttara sect:
- Pitta Samuttana Aabaada – Diseases caused by bile secretion
- Semha Samuttana Aabaada – diseases caused by phlegm
- Vata Samuttana Aabaadha – Diseases caused by air pollution
- Sannipathika Aabaadha – Diseases caused by three doshas
- Uthuparinamaja Aabaadha – Diseases caused by change of seasons
- Visama Pariharaja Aabaadha – Diseases caused by abnormal diet, abnormal habits, alcohol, drugs and environmental pollution.
- Opakkamika Aabaadha – Diseases caused by external means
- Kamma Vipakaja Aabaadha – Diseases caused by Karma Vipaka
Considering these diseases preached by the Buddha, it can be shown that all diseases except the diseases caused by karma are caused by external factors.
It is stated in the Nakula Pithu Sutra of the Khanda section of the Sanyukta Nikaya. “ආතුදරෝහ හපති කාදයො අණ්ඩ භූදතො පරිදයො නින්ද ො, දයොහි හපති ඉමාං කයාං
පරිහරන්දතො මුහුත්තේපි ආදරෝග්යාං පටිොදනයිය කිමඤ්ඤත්ර බාල්යා?”
“Venerable Nakula Pithu Upasaka, this body is golden in color but often boils and spills impurity. It is like an egg that easily breaks due to weakness. It is covered with a weak skin. So householder. Someone who was using such a body is concerned about his health. If you speak loudly, it is nothing but foolishness.”
And in the jara section of the Dhamma pada it is stated as follows.
“පරි ජිණ්ණේ’ දාං රූපාං දරෝ නිඩ්ඩාං පභාංගුරුාං භිජ්ෙති පුතිසන්දදෝදභෝ මරණාංතාං හි ජීවිතාං”
This decayed life or body is like a nest for diseases. It is perishable. This body, which sheds dirt from a new door, immediately breaks down. Life is ended by death.
Lord Buddha was very eager to see his disciples in good health. Therefore, the Buddha has prescribed diseases as well as treatments for diseases. It is clearly described in the Bhesajjakhandaka of the Maha Vagga Pali of the Vinaya Pitaka. Some of the treatment methods shown in it are included and used in Ayurvedic treatment methods today.
As an illustration, the Bhesajjakhandaka mentions ten Anusas (uses) derived from drinking porridge.
- long live life
- Improve Skin colour
- Happyness
- Strength
- understanding
- Stop hunger
- No thirst
- Air is reversible
- purify the urine
- Unfermented leftover food is fermented
It is stated in the Thikichchaka Sutra of the Dashaka Nipaata of Anguttara Nikaya.
“Rev.monks, doctors give purgatives to cure diseases caused by phlegm, bile, and air. I, too, will give good Virechana, thereby removing the filth from you.”
Thus, it can be indicated that people are physically sick due to the mentally rooted klesha dharma
In addition to this, the first Anayussa Sutra of the Gilana section of the Anguttara Nikaya’s Chatukka Nipata states:
“පාංචිදේ භික්ඛදව් ේමා අනායුස්සා කතදේ පාංච අසේපයකාරී දහෝතී, සේපාදේ මත්තානාං
න ෙනාති, අපරිනකදේජි ච දහෝති,
දුස්සීදලෝච පාප මිත්දතෝච ඉදේ දඛෝ භික්ඛදව් පාංච ේමා ආයුස්සා”
This means,
“Rev. Thero, the one who ignores the facts is not short-lived. They are,
- Does the wrong thing
- Does not know what mind says
- Eaten food is not digested
- becomes evil
- Do not makes good friends
Also, the Tathagata preached on matters that affect the development of personal life. ” පාංචිදේ භික්ඛදව් ේමා ආයුස්සා කතදේ පාංච
සේපයාකාරී දහෝති, සේපදය මත්තාං
ෙනාති, පරිණත දභෝජි ච දහෝති
සීලවා ච, කළ්යාණමිදතො ච, ඉදේ දඛෝ භික්ඛදව් පාංච ේමා ආයුස්සාති”
When this means,
“Rev. Thero, there are five life-giving dharma, what are they? That is, Does the wrong thing, Does not know what mind says, Eaten food is not digested, becomes evil, Do not makes good friends. These are the five life-giving dharma. 13
There are two main reasons for the decrease in the life expectancy of people nowadays.
- Alcohol and drug use
- Consuming a diet rich in meat
Here, in accordance with the most basic precepts, i.e. the five virtues,
” සුරා දේරය මජ්ෙපමාදට්ඨානා දව්රමණී සික්ඛාපදාං සමාදියාමි” “පාණාතිපාතා දව්රමණී සික්ඛාපදාං සමාදියාමි”
Buddhist principles are mentioned in the following way.
As an illustration, the Dharmadhvaja Jataka can be mentioned in the 219th Jataka story of the Book of Five Hundred and Fifty Jatakas. Here, a king addicted to alcohol and cannibalism is depicted as drunkenly eating the flesh of his son, the prince.
Also, a king named Chattapani refused to eat in the absence of Dadamas. One day, when there was no meat to eat, his son ate meat. Here the king was drunk with alcohol.
At the time of going to bed at night, the queen called the king and asked about her son, crying that the king had killed his son and eaten the meat. The king was very saddened and resolved never to drink alcohol again.
Apart from this, the personality disorder of Alcohol addiction is shown in Guthapani Jataka, Kamba Jataka, Surapana Jataka. Alcoholism causes impaired memory, cognition, decision- making, and psychomotor skills. Alcohol also causes various physical diseases.
Stomach ulcers, nervous impotence, tingling in hands and feet, depression etc. occur physically.
Also, smoking damages the nervous system as well as the respiratory system. Smoking also causes lung cancer, mouth cancer, kidney cancer, stomach cancer and sexual impotence.
In the Suranga Sutra, Lord Buddha preached that even thinking about eating meat leads to increased worldly suffering.
And according to the Karaniya Metta Sutra, ” දමත්තාංච සබ්බ දලොකස්මිාං
මානසාං භාවදේ අපරිමාණාං
උද් ාං අද ෝච තිරියාංච අසේබා ාං අදව්රාං අසපත්තාං”
“Cultivate infinite meth towards all world beings. Cultivate meth above, below, vertically, without hindrance, without hatred, without enmity.”
That is, the value of do not killing human beins confirmed.
By eating meat, the vessels become blocked and heart valve diseases, strokes, cancer occur and physical ailments occur.
Also, diabetes, obesity or high blood pressure, constipation, impaired blood flow in the veins and their tying, diseases of the intestines, digestive difficulties, etc. are also physically caused by overeating meat.
It is also shown in western medicine that there is a risk of heart attacks because meat foods contain free radicals.
Considering this, it can be shown that by engaging in non-violence policy as shown in Ayurveda and Buddhist counseling, it is possible to live a healthy life away from mental illnesses and physical ailments caused by these deformities.
According to this Dhamma shown in Falk stories (Janashruti), “තිකුළුන් පස සුවඳ රස ලවණ නිමින
බබලන නවරත්න දස මුල් සමව ද න
අඹරා සිහ දතදලන් දව්ලා සැට පැදයන වළඳනු මැනවි ඉන් සැම දරෝ වැනදසන”
It is said that those who meditate on Tisarana, penance, new virtues, and Dasasil and engage in them throughout the day will get rid of worldly sorrows and attain nirvana.
And according to the Milinda Panchakaya, ” දය දක්චි ඕස ා දලෝදක් විජ්ෙති විවි ා බහු
මුදමෝස සමාං නත්ථි ඒතාං පිව භික්ඛදවෝ”
“There are so many wonderful medicines in the world, but there is no other herb like the medicine called Dharma. Monks, drink the medicine of Dharma.”
is the simple meaning of this.
Here it can be critically mentioned that the mind is the root cause of all physical diseases. In this connection, when a person is very angry, it can be seen that physical changes occur in that person’s body such as straightening of hair, increased heart rate, excessive sweating etc.
Here “anger” is a klesha dharma created in the mind and corresponding to that klesha dharma it also causes the physical changes of the person. Here, it is clear that the physical changes occur due to the chemical called androgen that operates in the mind.
In other words, it can be critically mentioned that the individual’s mental health can be achieved through Buddhist Ayurvedic counseling through the establishment of physical, verbal and mental purity.
References :
- Susruta Samhita – R. Buddhadasa
- Charaka Samhita – page 35
- Deegha Sect (Nikaaya) 2 – page 126
- Bhava Prakasha
- A collection of Buddhist devotional hymns and pooja hymns – from 298 page – Rev. Diyapaththugama Sumana Thero
- A collection of Buddhist devotional hymns and pooja hymns – page 293
- Buddhist health, prevention and therapy – 239 page – Hewamanage Wimal
- Medicine and Buddhism – 34 page – Lecturer Kendagolle Sumanaransi Thero
- Maha Waga Pali pages 523 – 524 Bhesajjakandaka
- Maha Waga Pali page 534 – Bhesajjakandaka
- Medicine and Buddhism – 54 page – Lecturer Kendagolle Sumanaransi Thero
- Majjima Nikaya – 43 page – Sallekha Sutra
- Remedies through Buddhism for disease prevention – 41 page – Chasitha Bulathsinghala
- The Sinhala Pirit book / Piruvana book – Rev. Aluthgama Wipulagnana Thero
Dr. Amila K. Jayasinghe Ayurvedic Medical Practitioner Acupuncture Physician
Buddhist Ayurvedic Psychological Counselor