Introduction: Migraine is a widespread neurovascular disorder in the brain that affects more than two billion of people worldwide. It is an episode of brain dysfunction causing a variety of nervous system symptoms, including moderate to severe headache commonly. This headache / migraine attack can last more than four to twenty hours a day and more than 20 headaches per month. Migraine can cause severe throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation, usually on one side of the head. It can affect teenagers and children as well as adults can progress through four stages named prodromal, aura, attack and post-drome. Not everyone who has migraines goes through all stages. The objective of this study was to check the success rate of Acupuncture treatment for the management of Migraine.
Methodology: Literature survey was conducted on Ayurveda and TCM medicines for Migraine and seven patients visiting to the Acupuncture clinic in Sir Anton Jayasooriya Teaching Hospital and my private clinic for the treatment of Migraine were selected. Patients who were getting treatments for Migraine for two years were selected and study was conducted for a week. Selected Acupuncture treatment was, Du 20, Ex1, Ex2, Ex3, Sj23, GB14, LI4, H9, Du14, St8, GB2 and Ear Shenman.
Results: Acupuncture points used were categorized according to five needle protocol and results were analyzed comparing the signs and symptoms of the patient before and after the treatment. From the study, it was cleared that the used Acupuncture protocol had successful results in the sample as all of them successfully recovered from Migraine within one week. This alternative therapy may be particularly useful for people who don’t respond well to preventative to any drug treatment. Acupuncture helps to prevent migraine by activate the parasympathetic nervous system and decreasing muscle tension.
Conclusion: Migraine symptoms were totally cured by Acupuncture treatment and it was cleared that the treatment techniques in acupuncture can achieve very good clinical efficacy on Migraine.
P. K. C. D. Ranaweera, S. S. Hettige, U. A. K. Jayasinghe, K. L. G. Amaranayake
Open International University of Complementary Medicines, No: 37, Beach Road, Mount Lavinia.
Keywords: Acupuncture, Migraine, Neurology, TCM